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Re: text setup

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

>>>> I use Cygwin along with Win2k. Is it possible to update the software
>>>> text mode (access only via ssh)?
>>> There is currently no way to do a text-mode setup.  There is, however,
>>> a way to run setup unattended via ssh.  Search the list archives for
>>> "unattended setup".  You'll probably need to configure the ssh service
>>> to allow interaction with the desktop.
>>> Igor
>> Will it allow me to choose the packages to install?
> Don't know, you'll have to search for instructions

I will.

> or look at setup sources.

Bad news. I don't have enough time to play with the sources.

>> How would I see the result?
> If worse comes to worst, you can always take a look at
> /var/log/setup.log{,full}.

That's what I was afraid of. Thanks for help.

Is any text-mode setup developed? Or at least planned? I would increase a
lot the value of Cygwin.

Krzysztof Duleba

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