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Re: Pine 4.58 Cygwin issue

*** On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 I wrote:

:) I am trying to look into this issue, and I am afraid that I will have
:) to build Pine in a 32bit world rather than upgrade it to the 64bit
:) world, which seems like a lot of work to make (e.g the size of off_t is
:) bigger than the size of unsigned long in the 64bit world. To adapt this
:) to the c-client library is non trivial for me).

I did some work yesterday night on cygwin Pine and found a way to build
Pine, and such that it would not crash!, so I expect to be releasing a
test version in about a week (there are some small issues with it still,
which will take long to solve, but I expect that can be worked out. The
major issue I had with it is solved!).

My work should fix the issues with the current release of uw-imap. I will
contact Abraham off list when I have a working patch, so that we can
release test versions of our packages.


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