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Re: ssh-keygen and slogin oddity


do you have any reference for this?

Unless this is something inherent in the ssh protocol or its implementation, which I'm not familiar with, I'm not aware that crypto systems based on discrete logarithms (DSA) are less secure than those based on factoring large integers (RSA).

- RSA verifies much faster than DSA, whereas DSA signs faster than RSA
- RSA can also be used for en-/decryption, whereas DSA can not
- RSA was patented in the USA, but the patent ran out in the meantime
- strong encryption crypto (eg RSA) was export restricted from the US, but this restriction was deregulated


Corinna Vinschen schrieb:
Another btw., don't use DSA if you can avoid it.  Create your own
RSA ssh2 key with ssh-keygen -t rsa.  It's supposed to be more secure
than DSA keys.

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