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Re: Upgrading Cygwin - postinstall difficulties?
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
This is not under setup's control. Postinstall scripts are written by
individual package maintainers. Most of them *are* reexecutable, or,
at least, don't do anything that can't be redone. Some, however,
modify existing state of the system, either in-place or conditionally
on the non-existence of this previous state (i.e., new install). In
both of
these cases, there's a potential for failure, and the scripts will
probably not be reexecutable. A list of such scripts might be a useful
thing to have in the archives.
What I was saying is that the writers of postinstall scripts should be
mindful that their scripts are re-runnable. And for the few instances
where a postinstall script relies on things like the non-existence of a
previous state that they should perhaps provide a option, say
-reinstall, that would set the situation as if it was a new install.
Obligatory witty saying: Always remember you're unique... Just like
everyone else.
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