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Re: Sshd - Can't get access thru Public Key
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 03:13:27PM +0200, Olivier ALLART wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >create a special account for this, which is member of the admins
> >group and has the additional user privileges "Create a token object",
> >"Replace a process level token" and "Logon as a service". Probably
> >it makes sense to remove other privileges from that account, e.g.
> >the right to logon locally or so.
> my (dumb ?) question is : where do we define such parameters ?
> And if I get the thing correctly, sshd sould still run the same way
> (under the sshd user account with local sys privileges) but we should
> connect using this newluy created user account to log in .. am I right ?
No. *Don't* run sshd under the sshd account. The service must run
under some privileged account, member of the administrators group,
created with the usual Windows user management tools. Add the
"Create a token object" right to the account in the "Local Security
Policy" mmc snap-in. Create an /etc/passwd entry for the user.
Install the service with cygrunsrv so that it runs under that new
privileged account.
Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer
Red Hat, Inc.
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