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RE: Find: missing alphabetically last dirtree

> From: Christopher Faylor

> Ok, how about a 'dir p:'?  Does it show a "." and a ".." directory?
> cgf

I assume you meant from cmd.exe...
bash/dir is below though, just in case (seems not so useful).

F:\>dir p:
 Volume in drive P is QTR37ENUD1
 Volume Serial Number is D63D-731C

 Directory of P:\

2002-11-21  18:26       <DIR>          IE60
2001-10-15  03:58            1 707 856 InstMSIA.exe
2001-09-24  19:19            1 821 008 InstMSIW.exe
2002-11-21  18:26       <DIR>          NT4SP
2002-11-21  18:27       <DIR>          Program Files
2002-11-21  18:31       <DIR>          Samples
2002-09-28  02:12               45 126 autorun.exe
2001-10-17  18:54                   29 autorun.inf
2002-11-21  12:46           13 181 440 msdn.msi
2002-03-01  07:39                3 584 msdnadvt.mst
2002-11-16  01:20               23 245 readme.htm
2002-05-10  01:38               57 409 setup.exe
               8 File(s)     16 839 697 bytes
               4 Dir(s)               0 bytes free

F:\>dir p: /N /OG
 Volume in drive P is QTR37ENUD1
 Volume Serial Number is D63D-731C

 Directory of P:\

2002-11-21  18:31       <DIR>          Samples
2002-11-21  18:27       <DIR>          Program Files
2002-11-21  18:26       <DIR>          NT4SP
2002-11-21  18:26       <DIR>          IE60
2001-09-24  19:19            1 821 008 InstMSIW.exe
2001-10-15  03:58            1 707 856 InstMSIA.exe
2002-09-28  02:12               45 126 autorun.exe
2001-10-17  18:54                   29 autorun.inf
2002-11-21  12:46           13 181 440 msdn.msi
2002-03-01  07:39                3 584 msdnadvt.mst
2002-11-16  01:20               23 245 readme.htm
2002-05-10  01:38               57 409 setup.exe
               8 File(s)     16 839 697 bytes
               4 Dir(s)               0 bytes free
$ dir p:
IE60          InstMSIW.exe  Program\ Files  autorun.exe  msdn.msi
InstMSIA.exe  NT4SP         Samples         autorun.inf  msdnadvt.mst
$ which dir

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59?16.37'N, 17?12.60'E

Yet another sad "9/11" story


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