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Re: Rexecd as win service

Stefano Colombo wrote:

I really hope not to bother but I have another question. Now the inetd service start as windows service. I've edited the inet.conf to enable only the rexec daemon. In the host.allow I added the following line
Rexecd: remote_pc

Tried to run the following command from the rempote PC
Remsh server ls
But got a conenction refused error .

Can you point me to what is wrong ?

"remsh"! Are you on HP-UX? Cause I don't have a remsh - I have an rsh.

I believe you can get a "connection refused" error if you have a password authentication problem. Have you tried rlogin or rsh without a command? If it prompts you for a password then an rsh <machine> <command> will not work.
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