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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: zsh-4.0.7-2

On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 10:14:31AM -0700, Peter A. Castro wrote:
>On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 09:26:42AM -0700, Peter A.  Castro wrote:
>>>On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Gareth Pearce wrote:
>>>>>you've downloaded setup.exe, run it and select "Editors" and then click
>>>>*giggle* - a little too much cut and paste from mine i see ...  almost
>>>>made this mistake myself copying from igors...
>>>Ah, Heck! And I tried soooo hard not to mess it up :-( Oh well, it's
>>>the spirit, not the content, that matters, right ?  8-P
>>Not in the cygwin mailing list...  This typo has probably caused at
>>least one brain aneurysm for someone who was trying to edit their files
>>via zsh.
>Ah, but you *can* edit your files via zsh's zle editor...  it's just,
>kinda, you know, difficult to do...  and saving it afterwards might be
>a bit of trouble too...  but you get the added bonus of seeing if it'll
>execute correctly (you, ah, *did* want to execute your document, didn't
>you?  'case if not, why are you editing it with zsh in the first
>place!?  P-b

***cgf's head just exploded

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