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Re: sshd "PrintLastLog yes"

On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 11:01:59AM -0500, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
>On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 02:30:47PM -0400, Larry Hall wrote:
>> At 05:30 AM 9/7/2003, Fermin Sanchez you wrote:
>> >I did a chmod 664 on /var/log/lastlog, now it works. Thank you again!
>> >One good side effect: I'm going to put all this information into a "how
>> >to install and run cygwin and sshd on a Windows Server 2003 Domain
>> >Controller" ;-)
>> It would be great to see this as an addition to the Cygwin docs and/or
>> automated by the post-install script too.  Just a thought.
>Personally I think this is a candidate for a specific package README, 
>though maybe some language could be added to "Security" section of the
>User's Guide. 

I'm not sure I understand the argument against automatically setting the
permissions on /var/log/lastlog to something which would allow a
properly privileged account to access the file.  It seems like this
is a good post-install candidate to me.


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