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Re: bug in libintl2 0.12.1-3

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

I just updated to libintl2 to 0.12.1-3 and now german umlauts in the menus
and windows are no longer displayed correct. For example "geändert" it is
displayed "ge"andert".
I'm using libintl2 under the latest cygwin and the latest gettext.

Which *application* are you seeing this behavior in? Has it been recompiled against the new libintl2 or not (I thought that there would be no upgrading issues, but....just covering all the bases, here).

Try recompiling your app with the new gettext/libiconv packages installed (and don't forget to install the -devel packages).

When I reinstall the old libintl2 (also withe the actual cygwin and
gettext) all works fine.

I'm stumped. The new versions of libiconv/gettext pass just as many of the internal self-tests as the old versions testing showed the new versions to be no worse than the old. But then, I never ever use an alternate character set; high-school spanish was a long time ago. I've often said that perhaps I'm not the best person to maintain these two packages...


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