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Re: rxvt sets DISPLAY without X11

Rolf Campbell wrote:

Andrew DeFaria wrote:

Hans Werner Strube wrote:

If rxvt is used from the login shell outside X11, without XWin running and /tmp/.X11-unix/ empty, it nevertheless sets DISPLAY to ':0'. This even happens if rxvt is started directly from a Windows shortcut:
C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -e /bin/bash --login Does this have a special meaning or is it a bug?

rxvt does not set DISPLAY for me. You must be setting it somewhere else (Windows environment variables perhaps?)

It does set it for me. And it is RXVT that sets it.

/home/rcampbell> set | grep DISPLAY

WINNT console:
/home/rcampbell> set | grep DISPLAY

Open mouth and insert foot! Mea Cupla! It does for me too. I just failed to check. I assumed that if DISPLAY was set and I did an rxvt from within the rxvt that it would only work if DISPLAY was unset or it pointed to a running X Server. Yet I can rxvt from within an rxvt without X and get another rxvt.

Sorry I should have checked.

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