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Re: Updated: cvs-1.11.6-3 [Requires cygwin-1.5.3+]

Please keep cygwin messages on the cygwin list.

Jeffery B. Rancier wrote:
Pardon the ignorance, but does this mean that this must be done on the
repository?  And, I don't follow this I may corrupt the repository?

No, it doesn't, exactly. This ONLY affects the modules definition database, and the val-tags database. While the contents of those files are important, they're not your source code.

The modules database can always be automatically regenerated from the modules file (this regeneration happens when you check out/check in the modules file.

*I'm not sure about this*, but I believe that the val-tags database ONLY helps to speed access to the various tags in the repository, but is not really necessary. I *think* that if you simply delete it, cvs will be somewhat slower for a while, but it eventually will reconstruct the val-tags (it's sort of like a cache) as you continue to use cvs and access old tags.

But, we've provided a tool to painlessly fix the problem before it happens -- so why not use it?


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