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Re: Odd perl 5.8.0 error

Elfyn McBratney wrote:

Ugh! I hate rebase things. Just feels like a kludge to me. Anyways, assuming it is rebase issue how do I fix it (what's the command (ah duh, rebase I know) and it's parameters?)

Read the README carefully in /usr/doc (currently rebase-2.2.README). Particularly the part about stopping *all* Cygwin services (e.g., inetd) and make sure you don't run rebase (or rebaseall) from within rxvt.

Well the problem disappeared (unfortunately because I accidently removed the file that I was grepping). Would I rebaseall?

At a guess your small script (that works) doesn't use `Fcntl' while your larger script does. So, rebase'ing might help here as it does look similar.

My larger script does indeed have a call to lock a file but the path taken in the code shouldn't have called it.

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