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Re: What is cyggdk.dll

Rick McMaster wrote:
> Well, I got them from Sourceforge (the same place I got Cygwin).  Maybe
> I will scour the readme files again.  Didn't see anything the first time
> through but I guess I am getting old and may have missed it. :-)

When you say SourceForge, do you mean Cygnome (hosted at SourceForge)?
Or is a project hosted at SourceForge distributing Cygwin?

Elfyn McBratney

|                 Software Patents in Europe                 |
| On September 1st 2003 the European Parliment will make a   |
| decision about establishing a new law which would allow    |
| software patents in Europe.  This means that Europe's      |
| programmers and citizens alike could face considerable     |
| risk.                                                      |
| Unlike copyright, patents can block independent creations! |
| Software patents can render software copyright useless.    |
| One copyrighted work can be covered by hundreds of patents |
| of which the author doesn't even know but for whose        |
| infringement he and his users can be sued.  Some of these  |
| patents may be impossible to work around, because they are |
| broad or because they are part of communication standards. |
| What can you do to help?  FFII/Eurolinux are organising    |
| activities in and near the parliment to bring about an     |
| interdisciplinary discussion in a field which has for too  |
| long been dominated by industrial patent lawyers.          |
| For more information, or too see how you can help, visit   |
| <>.                                   |

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