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Re: basename(), dirname(), what happened?

Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> Hello Elfyn,
> >> I found a thread from January about these two functions.  Are they
> >> included in the meantime?
> > Nope.  I was working on implementing there libgen functions as I had a
> > need for them in application where they were a) not availabe and b) I
> > could not use the *BSD/[L]GPL versions.
> Why are the *BSD versions not usable?

Where I was working at the time, they we're afraid of "free software".  Some
people, eh?

> > I believe Nicholas Worums was working (or still is working) on importing
> > them into newlib, at least that's how I read a post of his on
> > cygwin-patches, IIRC.
> > I would do this myself, but I have committed myself to far too much, and
> > even simple things like this just get left on the back-burner.
> No problem, I need also 24 more hours a day;)

-- Elfyn

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