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Re: Need help: cron jobs can't access mounted network drives

This is a windows problem.  Similar tell-tale issue is well explained

It all has to do with login session issues.  Win2k terminal services
somewhat solved this problem with allowing more than one user to access
the same mapped drive, but it was essentially a hack.

Best thing to do in this case is use UNC if possible.

-- rich

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Louis-Luc Le Guerrier wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using Cygwin on a Windows 2000 Server box. I mount some network
> drives from other Windows machines's shared directories, and the
> problem is cron jobs can't access these drives.
> A given script will access mounted net drives as /cygwin/f/ when
> manually invoked, but that SAME script will refuse to access the
> same drives when triggered by a cron job.
> If I type 'net use' before the cron starts, the status of the network
> drives is "OK", but if I repeat 'net use' after the cron has triggered the
> script with failure to access network drives, I then get "Disconnected"
> as status. However, I'm still able to manually go in /cygwin/f/ and
> list files, even though the status has become "Disconnected".
> Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
> I want to back up these network drives on tape with tar scheduled by
> cron.
> TIA.
> Luc
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