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Re: 1.5 is coming... please test away!

>>>>> "Elfyn" == Elfyn McBratney <> writes:

    Elfyn> Now what would be nice(tm), is if users of these packages
    Elfyn> could test them out[1] as much as possible before they go
    Elfyn> current, so as to make sure they're working OK (for you, at
    Elfyn> least).

Here's what I did and saw when trying out the "Experimental" stuff.
Executive summary: some packages failed to be downloaded, and
postinstall stuff didn't run.

* Ensured I was starting with a clean machine (Win2K Pro, service pack
  4, with all "critical" updates from by removing
  the c:\cygwin directory, and the registry keys
  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions and
  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cygnus Solutions.

* Ran

** Hit "Next" five times in a row

** chose as the download site

** hit Alt-X to choose the "Exp" version

** hit Alt-N to start the downloads, waited, then hit "Enter" to click
   the "Finish" button.  To my surprise, I saw no console window
   appear to run the postinstall stuff.

* clicked the new "Cygwin" icon on the desktop

* typed `uname -a'.  This causes a message box to appear, titled
  "uname.exe - Unable to Locate DLL".  The DLL in question was

* dismissed the popup and typed "cat /etc/passwd".  The shell
  responded with "bash: cat: command not found".

* exited bash, and started plain cmd.exe.  Typed "cd /c
  c:\cygwin\etc"; then typed "dir".  I expected to see lots of files,
  in particular "passwd" and "group"; instead all I saw was one
  directory, named "setup".

Yahoo uses Javascript in a few places, though not many.  I once asked
someone there how this worked out, and he said "they ended up learning
a lot about different browser versions."

    --Paul Graham (
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