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1.5 is coming... please test away!

As some of you probably already know, volunteers and package maintainers
have been working away getting everything ready for the transition to
Cygwin 1.5 (though I've left it all to the last minute <g>). It's been
tough, much spilt coffee I'm sure.

Now what would be nice(tm), is if users of these packages could test them
out[1] as much as possible before they go current, so as to make sure they're
working OK (for you, at least).

Happy testing,

-- Elfyn

[1] To be able to test the functionality of available 'test' packages you
need to have Cygwin 1.5 installed (a snapshot at one's own risk, or the
version available via setup.exe). Once you've upgraded the 'cygwin' package
(available in the 'Exp' category; where all other available 'test' packages
will also be) all you need to do is install the package in the same way you
would install any other 'current' (stable) package.

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