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mod_auth_mysql link problems
- From: "Bill McCormick" <wpmccormick at covad dot net>
- To: <bourbon at netvision dot net dot il>
- Cc: "Cygwin" <cygwin at cygwin dot com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 07:38:13 -0500
- Subject: mod_auth_mysql link problems
- Reply-to: <wpmccormick at covad dot net>
I'm having problems linking with the MySQL 4.0 libmysqlclient under cygwin.
It appears that the lib does not have mysql_connect() but instead has
my_connect(). Does mod_auth_mysql need to be updated? Am I doing something
wrong? Is there a work-around?
Additionally, I would like *not* to have an .htaccess file in each of many
user/admin directories for a project I'm working on. I would like to be able
to use the directive [Auth_MySQL_DB] in httpd.conf as follows:
<Directory /var/www/htdocs/*/admin>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
Auth_MySQL_DB *
Auth_MySQL_Password_Table http_auth
Auth_MySQL_Group_Table http_auth
Auth_MySQL_Empty_Passwords Off
Require Group admins
Each of my users will have there own db and further be able to apply access
privileges to additional users for their db. How much trouble would it be to
make this change? Or does it now exist in some form or another?
Bill McCormick
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