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Re: ssh does not find the config file?

>> Using 'ssh utah' does not work, I get prompted for the password for
>> BA3759@utah. But strange enough, 'ssh -F $HOME/.ssh/config utah' does
>> work. $HOME/.ssh/config should be the default for the config file, but
>> obviousely it isn't???
>You shouldn't have to specify IdentityFile in the config, since
>$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa is the default (and the path /home/.ssh you have above
>probably doesn't exist, unless your home directory is really /home/.)

Actually, it is /home, I mounted it that way because I'm the only user on the system. 

% echo $HOME
% ls -l $HOME/.ssh
total 10
-rw-r--r--    1 BA3759   mkgroup_     1787 Aug 21 09:34 authorized_keys
-rw-r--r--    1 BA3759   mkgroup_     1152 Aug 21 09:38 config
-rw-------    1 BA3759   mkgroup_      887 Aug 20 17:00 id_rsa
-rw-r--r--    1 BA3759   mkgroup_      218 Aug 21 09:34
-rw-r--r--    1 BA3759   mkgroup_      230 Aug 20 20:39 known_hosts
-rw-------    1 BA3759   mkgroup_     1024 Aug 21 09:34 prng_seed
-rw-------    1 BA3759   mkgroup_      512 Aug 21 09:34 random_seed

And it only works with the IdentityFile line in the config. That's the same strange thing: It should 
default to $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa, but it does not. Just like the default $HOME/.ssh/config does not work.

>Also, why don't you have a file?  When you created the public
>key you should have created a pair of keys, the public (which
>you added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote host, yes?) and the
>private id_rsa.
They are all there, this was no complete directory listing, just to show that the necessary files are 

Still stuck...

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