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Re: cron and network drives

On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 02:25:03PM -0700, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> My understanding of accessing mount points (shares that have been 
> mounted to a drive letter) is that if you telnet or login (or 
> switchuser) in such a way as to have a passwordless login then mount 
> points are marked as unavailable. Further I understand that cron runs as 
> SYSTEM and switches user to the owner of the crontab. Thus a 
> passwordless login has occurred therefore mount points are unavailable. 
> Yet on hosta it works but on hostb it fails.

I don't pretend to understand how the SMB code in Windows works.  It
seems to be different on different machines.  On my machine `net use'
doesn't even bother to print any of the active shares when in a
passwordless session:

  $ net use
  New connections will not be remembered.

  There are no entries in the list.

But I can access shares from within a passwordless session if I create
the sharing inside of the session using `net use'.  Well, sometimes. And
it's a bit tricky, since it only works when not using drive letters (so
I have to use the //server/share path for accessing the share) and only
if I specify the full user name including domain or password server

  $ net use \\\\server\\share password /user:SERVER_OR_DOMAIN\\corinna


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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