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Re: HLDS and Cygwin

GDN_Cygwin wrote:
> There seems to be a problem running HLDS (half-life dedicated server) for 
> windows and Cygwin and possible other similar apps.
> The setup:
> 1) Full install of HLDS, lets call it hlds1
> 2) Second complete install of HLDS in separate directory, call hlds2
> I have no problem executing the hlds1 or hlds2 by themselves.  But when I 
> try to run both at the same time the 2nd one does not run at all.

Sorry, I do not know what HLDS is or what it does, apart from it being of the
server variety of applications. Is HLDS a free software project, an open source
project, a commercial thing?

> If I kill hlds1 and run hlds2 it starts right up.
> If I run either hlds1 or hlds2 and try to even execute the other one from 
> file explorer I get an error "Unable to load engine, image is corrupt."
> Although if I run hlds1 and hlds2 from file explorer they both run fine.

This doesn't really sound like a Cygwin issue. Is HLDS a Cygwin app or Mingw
app [read: native windows app] ?

> I have seen on the net claims that cygwin has:
> "NOTE: There are issues with the cygwin.dll and separating simultaneous 
> user space. Use with caution!" 

There *are* issues when running multiple versions of the Cygwin dll
(cygwin1.dll), but not when running two Cygwin programs on a single

> They suggest using SSH.COM's SSH solution for this issue.

Who does? And if this entity suggests using's solution for this "problem"
then perhaps you should goto for help.

> Has anyone else run into this? 
> I tried to even run firedaemon from cygwin but cannot do it without admin 
> so thats out.  I also tried to run psexec but it does not work under 
> cygwin either apprently.  This approach was to try and get cygwin to start 
> hlds as services by a non Admin user to get around the problem.
> The main thing I am trying to do is have a normal (non Admin) user run 
> hlds.exe and have multiple copies of it run on the same machine.  
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm sorry but, although you have provided a lot of information, it's not really
useful. You seem to have a problem with a *Windows* program, and I'm not too sure
how Cygwin fits into this at all.

Please take a gander at <>, if you think this
really is a Cygwin issue.

-- Elfyn

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