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Re: Hi, Installing from a CD-ROM.

M.G.A. wrote:
I want to install cygwin on a laptop that doesn't have Internet access, so I want to use a CDROM.

I've made a CD with cygwin packages, I have not respected the same structure "release/directoryofpackage" in the ftp mirror.

I've read in FAQ that you have to use "install from internet" feature, but that does setup freeze.

When I run "setup" in the laptop it only appears two packages.
I've done a query in the mailinglist archive with no success either.

So where should I place the dirs with the packages and how should I run setup.exe ?


I just did something similar, which worked apart from the problem I posted before yours. I downloaded (only) to my D:/ drive, then switched my C:/ drive to a new installation with no internet access, and installed (only) from the files on the D:/ drive. It follows that if you preserve the file structure it should work. CD's are cheap, I suggest you try again. If it's the file names that are a problem, use zip.


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