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Re: Backtick does not work

That's not a bash script, that's an 'sh' script. Which is ash on cygwin. Maybe ash doesn't support back-tick? If you change your /bin/sh to /bin/bash it should work.

Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED) wrote:
From the bash shell the ` (backtick or command execution) work. But when
I spawn a process and execute a shell script which contains the back
ticks, the process just chokes.

For example, a simple shell script like
	myenv=`/bin/env | grep CYGWIN`

I am able to execute this script properly from the bash shell (as any
user on the system). I am not getting any error at all from the
execution of the script. It just quits. I checked the error code too. It
is 0.
But this same script when executed via a spawned process does not work.

Any help?


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