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Re: Does bind-utils For Cygwin Exist?
- From: Igor Pechtchanski <pechtcha at cs dot nyu dot edu>
- To: Hank Mill <port123tcp at yahoo dot com>
- Cc: cygwin at cygwin dot com
- Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 15:49:06 -0400 (EDT)
- Subject: Re: Does bind-utils For Cygwin Exist?
- Reply-to: cygwin at cygwin dot com
On Sun, 10 Aug 2003, Hank Mill wrote:
> I would like to use the "host" program to resolve DNS queries, but I
> can't find "host" under cygwin. Red hat 9 has "host" under the rpm
> bind-utils. I searched the cygwin packages but came up empty. Do I
> have to get the source and compile it or is "host" located some place
> else? Thanks.
> --Hank
If <>
doesn't show any matches, this file most likely doesn't exist for Cygwin.
You can either search the web for an unofficial Cygwin port, or create one
yourself. IIRC, there were some issues with porting DNS-related utilities
to Cygwin -- you might try searching the Cygwin mailing lists,
particularly for postings by Pierre Humblet. If you do choose to port the
applications yourself (and succeed), I strongly urge you to contribute
them as an official package.
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|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-. Meow!
"I have since come to realize that being between your mentor and his route
to the bathroom is a major career booster." -- Patrick Naughton
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