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Re: rfe: seamless windows integration

Jim Drash wrote:

Maybe I am a little slow but if someone wants a shortcut to the "X" apps
can't they just create a short cut to the "C:\cygwin\use\X11R6\bin"

Again, I am into the KISS (Keep It Simple, cause I am Stupid) method for
most things.

Am I missing something?

Well, other than the fact that any X-specific questions really belong on
the cygwin-xfree list rather than the cygwin list, I'm not sure.  A
"shortcut" in UNIX-speak is a symbolic link.  It is possible to create
a symbolic link to a directory.  So if you want to create a symbolic link
to the directory on your system containing X applications, you can do so
in Cygwin if that's your pleasure.

If this wasn't your question or you feel the need to discuss further this
issue, I recommend that you read <>,
including the referenced article on "smart questions" and the descriptions
of the various email lists available and the topics they cover.


Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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