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Re: 1.5.x goes current on 2003-08-23?

Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> Hallo Max,
> Am Sonntag, 3. August 2003 um 23:08 schriebst du:
>> Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>>> Hmm, previous && test version at the same time, I doubt that this is
>>> possible.
>> Why do you doubt this? It is entirely possible.
> Well, I can have:
> prev: perl-5.6.1-x
> curr: perl-5.8.0-x
> test: perl-5.6.1-x+1
> or:
> prev: perl-5.6.1-x
> curr: perl-5.8.0-x
> test: perl-5.8.1-1
> but not:
> prev: perl-5.6.1-x
> curr: perl-5.8.0-x
> test: perl-5.6.1-x+1
> test: perl-5.8.1-1
> Or can I have it?

Oh, sorry, misunderstood.

Upset could be modified to accept the above, and setup as-is would kind-of
deal with it (The first test would be the real test version, the second
wouldn't be prev, curr, or test, but would appear when the list of versions
was clicked through.)

> Maybe a good day to rename the packages to perl561-... and perl581-...
> to have the possibility to install both of them at the same time with
> setup.exe?  There will also be a perl-5.6.2 some day.  Also 5.8.0 and
> 5.8.1 will be incompatible as 5.6.1 and 5.8.0 are.

This doesn't feel like a good idea. AFAIK, the only reason perl 5.6.1
persists in the Cygwin distro is the WinMe problems? There may be grounds to
have a perl56 package, if getting 5.8.* to work on WinMe turns out to be
infeasibly difficult, but I don't think the package-for-every-version
approach makes sense unless the binary incompatibility is really causing
problems for someone.


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