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Re: 1.5.x goes current on 2003-08-23?


On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 02:03:02AM -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
> Nicholas Wourms wrote:
> >Perl is required for many operations, and (as I'm sure Chuck will
> >agree) having to rebase a *critical* core application *just* to get
> >it work is unacceptable.  
> Hey, don't drag me into this.  Rebase is (currently) a necessary evil 
> for python and maybe perl, but I gave up maintaining perl a LONG time 
> ago and I don't intend to stick my nose into it now.  It's Gerritt's 
> baby, and I trust him to do whatever is necessary to make stuff work. 
> But, he's asked for help -- so help, dammit, don't carp.
                                 ^^^^          ^^^^^^^^^^


On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 07:56:38PM -0400, Nicholas Wourms wrote:
> No offense to Jason, but rebase is really just "papering" over a much
> bigger infrastructure problem which isn't going away.  The problem is
> that "rebase all" only takes into account the dll's installed by the
> installer.  It certainly doesn't take into account dll's which aren't
> named ".dll" (like in Ruby which leaves them named *.so).  It also
> won't take into account user-installed dlls or perl modules.  I've
> managed to work around this on my Win2k machine by modifying rebase
> all to use `locate` and to run rebase on any ".so"'s it finds in the
> Ruby dir.

If rebase and rebaseall don't meet your needs, then supply the patch(es)
to enhance them so they do.


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