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Re: 1.5.1 issue?

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

FWIW, I've seen this in 1.3.22 (with both "tty" and "notty"), so it's not
a regression.

Okay, if it's not a regression then it is not a "1.5.1 issue" per se. Party on, dudes.

As far as "seen this on linux" -- I had never seen it before(*) on linux or cygwin, so I thought I'd simply give a heads up. If it's a known issue (and apparently it is, and not just for cygwin), then I'm sorry for the noise.

(*) I *have* seen it on cygwin snapshots before, but never on released kernels. I guess I've just been lucky, but my previous experience pointed to "something that occassionally went wrong during development cycle but was usually fixed by release time". I was wrong; sorry for the confusion.


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