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unexpected behavior: setup v2.340.2.5

When went to the software list (mirror, I saw several pieces of
software that I was a rev or so behind on.

Out of curiosity, I thought I might also see what the newest beta's were.

Problem is that it deselected all of the regular versions that needed

I would have expected to see the list of software I wasn't current on
+ any beta versions of the product -- since if I wanna think I'm running
'cutting (occasionally bleeding) edge', I'd like to think that selecting
beta has the latest SW installed for everything -- including test betas.

I  can see an interpretation that selecting 'beta' would *only* show beta'
products, but I would think upgrading to 'beta' but not having the
current released products would be an untested/unreliable state.  I.e.
it seems it would be undesirable to install beta's without also having
the rest of one's distro being current.


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