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Changing users in a bash shell.

In the postgres.x.x.x.README there is the following:
->The "$" prompt indicates running as the "postgres" user. 
  Log in as "postgres" or use ssh to emulate Unix's "su" command.

Can you point me to something that explains how to do this? You
can consider me really green, meaning on a Linux work station I
have su'd but that doesn't mean I understand what all happens
behind the scenes to actaully switch users. 

The problem I am trying to solve is an install. I trying to automate
the installation of postgresql onto winXP machines. As part of the
install I want to be able to 'su' to user postgres and run the initdb
command (and a few others) but I am not sure what is necessary to
make that happen and I have not been able to find any document like
'How to switch users for dummies on windows'.

Thanks for helping me move onto the 'How to switch user for the 
mostly ignorant on windows'.

Matthew Rudolph

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