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Re: Question: make, makefile and KVM in J2ME

Hi, Igor Pechtchanski

If i need to reinstall the package. which optional should i select. install or reinstall. and I have to mark all small squares which are in the src and bin list of the devel

this is my result when I use make -n
C:\J2ME\CLDC\build\win32>make -n
for i in ../../tools/preverifier/build/win32 ../../api ../../samples ../../sampl
es/jam ../../tools/jcc ../../kvm/VmWin/build ; do \
echo ">>>Recursively making "$i" "all"..."; \
cd $i; make all \
|| exit 1; cd /cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/build/win32; \
echo "<<<Finished Recursively making "$i" "all"." ; \
Recursively making ../../tools/preverifier/build/win32 all...
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/tools/preverifier/build/win32
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Focheck_class.obj ../../src/check_class.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Fomain.obj ../../src/main.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Foutf.obj ../../src/utf.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Focheck_code.obj ../../src/check_code.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Foconvert_md.obj ../../src/convert_md.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Foutil.obj ../../src/util.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Fojar.obj ../../src/jar.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Fojar_support.obj ../../src/jar_support.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Foclassloader.obj ../../src/classloader.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Fofile.obj ../../src/file.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Foclassresolver.obj ../../src/classresolver.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Fostubs.obj ../../src/stubs.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Foinlinejsr.obj ../../src/inlinejsr.c
cl -DWIN32 -nologo -DBUILD_VERSION='""' -I../../src -DWIN32 -DJAVAVERIFY -DTRIMM
ED -Di386 -c -Fosys_support.obj ../../src/sys_support.c
link check_class.obj main.obj utf.obj check_code.obj convert_md.obj util.obj ja
r.obj jar_support.obj classloader.obj file.obj classresolver.obj stubs.obj inlin
ejsr.obj sys_support.obj -out:preverify.exe user32.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/tools/preverifier/build/win32'

<<<Finished Recursively making ../../tools/preverifier/build/win32 all.
Recursively making ../../api all...
File not found - *.java
File not found - *.java
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/api'
rm -f .filelist
if [ '!' -d tmpclasses ]; then rm -rf tmpclasses; mkdir tmpclasses; fi;
if [ -f .filelist ]; then \
echo javac -g":none" -d tmpclasses -bootclasspath classes \
-classpath classes `cat .filelist`; \
javac -g":none" -d tmpclasses -bootclasspath classes \
-classpath classes `cat .filelist` || exit 1; \
echo ../tools/preverifier/build/win32/preverify -d classes tmpclasses; \

../tools/preverifier/build/win32/preverify -d classes tmpclasses || exit
1; \
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/api'
<<<Finished Recursively making ../../api all.
Recursively making ../../samples all...
File not found - *.java
File not found - *.java
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/samples'
rm -f .filelist
if [ '!' -d tmpclasses ]; then rm -rf tmpclasses; mkdir tmpclasses; fi;
if [ -f .filelist ]; then \
echo javac -g":none" -d tmpclasses \
-classpath tmpclasses:../api/classes \
-bootclasspath ../api/classes `cat .filelist`; \
javac -g":none" -d tmpclasses \
-classpath tmpclasses:../api/classes \
-bootclasspath ../api/classes \
`cat .filelist` || exit 1; \
echo ../tools/preverifier/build/win32/preverify -d classes -classpath ..
/api/classes \
tmpclasses; \
../tools/preverifier/build/win32/preverify -d classes -classpath ../api/
classes \
tmpclasses || exit 1; \
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/samples'
<<<Finished Recursively making ../../samples all.
Recursively making ../../samples/jam all...
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/samples/jam'
rm -rf tmpclasses1
rm -rf tmpclasses2
mkdir tmpclasses1
mkdir tmpclasses2
javac -d tmpclasses1 -bootclasspath ../../api/classes src/
../../tools/preverifier/build/win32/preverify -classpath ../../api/classes -d tm
pclasses2 tmpclasses1
cd tmpclasses2; jar cvf ../HelloWorld.jar .; cd ..
wc: HelloWorld.jar: No such file or directory
sed "s/%%JarSize%%//" src/HelloWorld.jam.template > HelloWorld.jam
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/samples/jam'
<<<Finished Recursively making ../../samples/jam all.
Recursively making ../../tools/jcc all...
File not found - *.java
File not found - *.java
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/tools/jcc'
(cd ../../api; make
File not found - *.java
File not found - *.java
make[2]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/api'
rm -f .filelist
if [ '!' -d tmpclasses ]; then rm -rf tmpclasses; mkdir tmpclasses; fi;
if [ -f .filelist ]; then \
echo javac -g":none" -d tmpclasses -bootclasspath classes \
-classpath classes `cat .filelist`; \
javac -g":none" -d tmpclasses -bootclasspath classes \
-classpath classes `cat .filelist` || exit 1; \
echo ../tools/preverifier/build/win32/preverify -d classes tmpclasses; \

../tools/preverifier/build/win32/preverify -d classes tmpclasses || exit
1; \
rm -rf
jar cfM0 -C classes .
make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/api'
echo ...
cmp -s ../../api/ || (echo cp ../../api/ class ; cp ../../api/
rm -f .filelist
if [ '!' -d classes ]; then rm -rf classes; mkdir classes; fi;
if [ -f .filelist ]; then \
echo javac `cat .filelist`; \
javac -d classes -classpath classes:src \
`cat .filelist`; \
echo ...
cp -f src/*.properties classes
make nativeFunctionTableWin.c JCC_PASS_TWO=true
File not found - *.java
File not found - *.java
make[2]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/tools/jcc'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `nativeFunctionT
ableWin.c'. Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/tools/jcc'
make[1]: *** [nativeFunctionTableWin.c] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/J2ME/CLDC/tools/jcc'
make: *** [all] Error 1

From: Igor Pechtchanski <pechtcha at cs dot nyu dot edu>
Reply-To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
To: yi ru <ru_yi99 at hotmail dot com>
CC: cygwin at cygwin dot com
Subject: Re: Question: make, makefile and KVM in J2ME
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 00:01:49 -0500 (EST)


One more rule of this list: please keep replies on the list instead of
sending private mail.  That way you get access to much more expertise than
a lone person can offer.  For your convenience, I've reset the Reply-To:
field accordingly.

Try running "make" with a "-n" to see what commands would be executed.
Try running each command by hand.  It's likely you have a problem with
your gcc installation.  You may, for example, be missing the gcc-mingw
package, which is necessary for the "-mno-cygwin" option used in the
Makefile.  Attaching the output of "cygcheck -svr", as described in
<>, would be very helpful for answering these
kinds of questions.

Others on this list may also offer useful suggestions.

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, yi ru wrote:

> Hi, Igor Pechtchanski
> I am new comer to this mail list. I don't know the rule here. Sorry for
> switch the thread. Next time will I just reply the message instead of
> putting a new thread if I want to continue discuss?
> Yeah you are right, I miss many there. I am not farmilar with cygwin. I
> don't put more detail (the right makefile). because I find a similar one the
> list so I follow his one and hope to get help.
> Here is the makefile in the tools/preverifier/build/win32
> =================================================================================
> #
> # Copyright 1995-2002 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
> # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A.
> # All rights reserved.
> #
> # This software is the confidential and proprietary information
> # of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You
> # shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use
> # it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement
> # you entered into with Sun.
> # Use is subject to license terms.
> #
> TOP=../../../..
> include $(TOP)/build/
> SRC_DIR = ../../src
> OBJS = \
> check_class.obj \
> main.obj \
> utf.obj \
> check_code.obj \
> convert_md.obj \
> util.obj \
> jar.obj \
> jar_support.obj \
> classloader.obj \
> file.obj \
> classresolver.obj \
> stubs.obj \
> inlinejsr.obj \
> sys_support.obj
> -I$(SRC_DIR) \
> -DWIN32 \
> -D$(ARCH) \
> ifeq ($(GCC), true)
> CC = gcc
> LD = gcc
> CFLAGS = -DWIN32 -DGCC -mno-cygwin -mcpu=i386 -Wall $(OTHER_FLAGS)
> LIBS= -luser32 -lkernel32 -lmsvcrt -lwsock32
> LDFLAGS = -mno-cygwin
> ifeq ($(DEBUG), true)
> endif
> OUTPUT = -o
> else
> CC= cl
> LD= link
> CFLAGS= -DWIN32 -nologo $(OTHER_FLAGS)
> LIBS= user32.lib kernel32.lib wsock32.lib
> ifeq ($(DEBUG), true)
> LDFLAGS += -debug
> endif
> OUTPUT = -Fo
> endif
> all: preverify.exe
> preverify.exe: $(OBJS)
> %.obj: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
> @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG_FLAG) -c $(OUTPUT)$@ $<
> clean:
> rm -f core *.obj preverify.exe *.ilk *.pdb
> =================================================================================
> When I install cygwin (setup.exe). I select all option in the devel and I
> select all others by default. Actually I use this soft three days age and I
> really don't know how to give a correct description of my question although
> I read some documents in the website.
> Thank you for your help, I will read the makefile you mentioned and also
> wait for your help further.
> Eric
> >From: Igor Pechtchanski <pechtcha at cs dot nyu dot edu>
> >Reply-To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
> >To: yi ru <ru_yi99 at hotmail dot com>
> >CC: cygwin at cygwin dot com
> >Subject: Re: Question: make, makefile and KVM in J2ME
> >Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 16:07:29 -0500 (EST)
> >
> >On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, yi ru wrote:
> >
> > > Hi, Igor Pechtchanski
> > >
> > > The sun's "release notes" recommend me to download setup.exe of cygwin to
> > > install in order to use make. That is, the way was tested successfully. I
> > > try to use (gnu)make to port kvm. Somebody did it and get the different
> > > error (127). I get the error 255 and I don't understand what it means.
> > >
> > > anyway, many thanks your reply. I also look forward to a solution.
> > >
> > > thanks
> > > Eric
> >
> >Eric,
> >
> >FYI, there can be no solution when there isn't a clear description of the
> >problem. You haven't posted any information on what Cygwin packages were
> >installed on your system by setup.exe, as indicated in
> ><>. You did not outline the exact steps that
> >would allow people to reproduce the problem. You didn't even post the
> >right makefile (you posted the top-level one, but the one that bombs is in
> >tools/preverifier/build/win32). This is especially important since, by
> >your own statement, other people cannot exactly reproduce your problem
> >(different error code), even if people here could be bothered to download
> >kvm and compile it. And to top it off, you've switched the subject of the
> >message, so the continuity of the thread is broken (since you "mail
> >client" doesn't bother keeping thread information either).
> >
> >That being said, remember that from the point of view of many build
> >environments, Cygwin is more like Linux than like Win32. I don't know
> >anything about kvm, but you may need to re-run configure, or something...
> >Also, error code 255 usually means that a program couldn't be "exec()"d,
> >so check the appropriate make rule in the offending Makefile.
> > Igor

      |\      _,,,---,,_		pechtcha at cs dot nyu dot edu
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_		igor at watson dot ibm dot com
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'		Igor Pechtchanski
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL	a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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