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Re: why is bash trying to access my DNS?

On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:42:51 -0500 (EST), "Igor Pechtchanski
pechtcha at cs dot nyu dot edu {Cygwin}"
<ticket_b4c692b6a628a6572cfbceac69375621 at phracturedblue dot com> said:
> Geoffrey,
> Well, first off, your strace output seems hosed.  There might have been a
> problem while pasting it.  Next time, try the "-o" option of strace...
> You can then edit the resulting file to get the relevant snippet.  Also,
> pasting strace output in a message reformats it.  Try attaching it
> (compressed if it's too large).
it seems my mail client always compresses my attachemnts, and I can't do
about it, and the maillist spam-filters block my compressed version, and
maillist won't accept my 'I am not a spammer mail'  so I guess i can't
send the 
strace output.

I did diff the strace output with and without allowing access to the DNS
and there are no significant differences.

> For how long a while haven't you updated?  Do you have old-style cygdrive
> paths (e.g. "//c") in your path?  Those now refer to Windows UNC paths,
> which would be one explanation for this behavior.
It has probably been 2 months since I updated.  I have no '//c' in my

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.  While I am
certain that something about the cygwin upgrade ssh install caused this
change, it
seems toaffect other applictaions too (ipconfig now does a DNS request
too, which
it neverused to do)

  Geoffrey Hausheer
  geoffreyh at fastmail dot fm

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