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ACLs getting reset after gunzip


I'm having a problem with cygwin's g(un)zip.exe and NTFS ACLs.

Here's what I'm seeing:
1. Set a custom ACL for a directory on an NTFS volume (in my case, I
have limited access to a directory to the Administrator group and a
custom group I created, and removed the Everyone group), 

2. Copy a .gz file into the directory 

3. Verify that the .gz file has the same ACLs as the directory 

4. gunzip the file

OBSERVE:The new (gunzipped) file now has a very strange set of new ACLs
-- often the Everyone group is re-added, along with my own account, and
the Administrator permissions are damaged (sometimes "Full Control" is
removed, etc)

Reversing the process has the same effect, i.e.

1. Set a custom ACL for a directory on an NTFS volume (in my case, I
have limited access to a directory to the Administrator group and a
custom group I created), 

2. Copy a .file into the directory 

3. Verify that the .file has the same ACLs as the directory 

4. gzip the file

OBSERVE: And the .gz file has a similarly strange set of ACL's.

I have tried this with CYGWIN=ntsec set and unset.  Also, if it helps,
I'm running g(un)zip from a CMD.EXE window command line.

Also note that using native Windows g(un)zip.exe (from the
site) produces the expected results, where the new gzipped/gunzipped
file has the same permissions as the parent directory.

Thanks for your help in advance.


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