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'less' can't determine terminal size?

Hi, All, :)

I updated my installation recently, and I'm now suffering from an odd
problem with less.  I hope that somebody can point me in a direction for my
own investigations.  I had been running 1.3.12, I believe - after the
refresh on Friday my cygwin1.dll is at 1.3.15.  bash is 2.05b.0(7).  I run
bash via rxvt-2.7.2-14.  Here's my rxvt run command:

C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c start C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -tn "rxvt" -fg
grey -bg black -fn "Fixedsys" -sr -sl 5000 -e /bin/bash --login -i

I believe these environment variables are relevant:

CYGWIN=tty nontsec

My problem is this: 'less' no longer properly updates the screen when I
scroll through a file.  Paging forward is fine, but when trying to scroll by
line ('j' or 'e'), 'less' tells me that it is moving through the file, but
the display doesn't update.  The status line (which '-M' enables) shows the
currently displayed lines changing ('75-97', '76-98', 77-99', etc.), but the
displayed data doesn't change.  Paging forward again causes the screen to
update properly.

Also, when I scroll backward ('k'), the normally-blank command line (bottom
line) becomes filled with the previous status line.  So, if I'm at the
bottom of the file and the bottom two lines are:

.bash_profile lines 105-127/127 (END) 


Then, after pressing 'k', the bottom two lines will read:

.bash_profile lines 104-126/127 99%
.bash_profile lines 105-127/127 (END) 

This *seems* to mean to me that 'less' can't determine the right size my
rxvt window.  My theory is reinforced because 'less' suddenly finds its
brains again when I resize the window manually.

How should I go about fixing this?  Thanks in advance for any pointers,

---Jason Tiller

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