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Re: lsof (porting plans)

On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 01:01:42PM -0400, Birl wrote:
>I searched the Cygwin website for lsof and found nothing, and I know that
>this question could be directed to the lsof list but I could not subscribe
>to it.
>Here's my question:
>Will there be any plans to port lsof to Cygwin?

If you searched the cygwin web site, including mailing list archives and
found no mention of lsof then it is a very safe bet that there are no
plans to port it.

I hope that this message, which is now in the archives, will serve to
make this clear for future people searching for a port of whatever.

In the meantime, if you want a generic windows utility which does something
similar to lsof (which I had to lookup by the way -- it would be nice
if people didn't assume that everyone else shared their knowledge of
packages they want ported), check out .


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