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Re: inetd on win95

On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 11:09:48PM +0100, joerg eichhorn wrote:
>why did the shellwrap not work?

Hard to say since the only details you provided were:

>wrapping the call into a shellscript named in.telnetd didn't work :-(
>so how to understand that behavior?

It's difficult to understand what you were hoping to accomplish by
wrapping in.telnetd in a shell script.  If you were attempting to run
the shell script under inetd then that really is not going to do the
right thing.  in.telnetd is supposed to work without this.  Adding
-debug to a program that is being run by inetd is not the way to
solve the problem.

I will point out that what we are hoping for when we ask people to
debug a problem is not YA "I doesn't work for me, either!" or experimenting
with tools to see what previously unheard of options might do for you.

Debugging for this situation would be something like:  "It works for
Windows 95 when I've installed the Alfalfa 1.13 FTP client.  I noticed that
if I was using the Spanky 5.27 net browser that it would stop working.
Inspecting the files that are released along with these programs, I
can see that both contain versions of the petey32.dll."

Or, even better inspect the source code and compare and contrast what
was done in a release that (theoretically) worked -- at the source
code level.


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