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Re: setup test #5 - RC1

Hallo Charles,

Am 2001-11-02 um 22:44 schriebst du:

> 8. vim partially installed
>    (This was interrupted by the bluescreen)
> All but the last few files in the archive were installed ok.  The last file 
> installed was usr/share/vim/vim60/tutor/tutor (and it was installed 
> completely, not partially).

> The missing files (e.g. setup didn't get a chance to install these at all) 
> were:
> usr/share/vim/vim60/tutor/
> Of course, since the BSOD occured prior to setup finishing, my
> /etc/installed.db was not updated to reflect the installation of ANY of 
> these four packages.
> I've got personal stuff this evening, but I'll try to hunt this one down 
> this weekend if nobody beats me to it.

I remember that there were several people reporting crashes a while ago,
me too, IIRC it has been always the vim package.  Some days later I figured
out that it was a hardware failure, RAM was broken, so occasionally I had a
bluescreen, now I have all my RAM tested (lasts three days for three boxes),
but I know it is ok now.


Gerrit P. Haase                  

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