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Re: Wrong /home

Arthur Schwarz schrieb am 2001-09-25, 21:52:

>After uninstall of B20.1 and installation of v1.3.3 my 'old' home directory
>(/cygdrive/c/home2/<name>) became my home rather than my 'new' one
>(/home/<name>). I've looked through the FAQ and the User's Guide, and looked
>through the source (bash-2.05-7/shell.c). I've changed my /etc/passwd to
>ensure that it is accessed by getpwuid in shell.c, and modified all of the
>'cygnus solutions' entries in the Win98 registry to reference /home/<name>
>as needed. In /etc/profile $HOME is used and I haven't found where $HOME is
>exported. The easy workaround is to put a .bashrc file changing $HOME in the
>'old' home and just forget it. But I'd like to find out why this is
>happening and fix it (if it needs fixing) or do something to cause the 'new'
>home to be referenced at shell startup. Any idea what is going on?

What says:
$ set | grep HOME



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