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Bluescreen reboot with cygwin/W2K
- To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
- Subject: Bluescreen reboot with cygwin/W2K
- From: Charles Wilson <cwilson at ece dot gatech dot edu>
- Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 15:30:15 -0400
Okay, first: the circumstances under which this error occured are
unusual. But still, it's a problem...(I hope this message isn't too
much of a McNulty...)
1) Power fluctuations on friday killed my NT4.0sp6 system -- especially
after I restored the SAM from an emergency rescue disk created pre-sp3.
2) So, I *wiped* the drive, and installed W2K instead. My cygwin
installation was on a separate, NTFS drive. I did not
reformat/reinstall cygwin (at first).
3) After resurrecting my machine as W2K, I reinstalled the
cygwin-1.3.3-2 package only -- that way, I figured, setup would fixup
the registry entries in my new (clean) W2K registry. It did.
4) I noticed several problems with symlinks in my (otherwise) untouched
cygwin installation. They showed up as regular files, not symlinks. I
figured that there was some difference between "old"
NT-.lnk-style-symlinks and "new" W2K-.lnk-style-symlinks, and thought
the easiest way to fix this would be to: reinstall ALL packages from my
local archive. I deleted /etc/setup/installed.db, and reran setup.
5) This was more-or-less successful. There were a number of cases where
setup couldn't replace files (since they were owned by the old
NT-cwilson, whose SID had no corresponding new W2K user). I chmod'd and
chown'd like a maddog, and eventually got things fixed.
6) Then, I realized that my passwd and group files (from the old NT
system) were probably wrong. I successfully fixed the passwd file -- by
dumb luck:
(Note: CYGWIN=ntsec)
mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd -- permission denied.
mkpasswd -l > /c/passwd (succeeded, C: is a FAT drive)
Using Explorer, I copied C:\passwd to D:\cygwin\etc\passwd
Everything is fine.
mkgroup -l > /etc/group -- permission denied
rm /etc/group
mkgroup -l > /etc/group
---> Immediate bluescreen, with an automatic hard reboot before I
could read the text.
this is repeatable. Of course, I can still do:
mkgroup -l > /c/group
Using explorer, Copy C:\group to D:\cygwin\etc\group
And then all is well.
I *think* I see why windows/cygwin becomes confused -- race condition,
CYGWIN=ntsec, no /etc/group file, creating /etc/group file....
But that should never cause a hard reboot, should it?
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