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Re: Sergy Okhapkin's scp1 and ssh take 3 minutes to initialize

> I had problems getting scp to work ( I must admit I am a newbie, and maybe I
> just screwed up the command line)
> I don't have documentation on how to install sshd as a service, for cygwin.

Consider trying the scp that comes with cygwin again. From my experience,
it works out of the box as expected. It should require less effort than
setting up Sergy's port. 

> Once I get something stable and working (even if it is slow), I can setup
> another machine to use the cygwin ssh/scp/sshd. This way I can compare them.

I've used both, though I haven't used Sergy's for years, and I'm satisfied
with the current port of OpenSSH.

> Installing sshd as a service scares the wits out of me. I have spent weeks
> in the past trying to do this, to no avail. I am glad that Barrett &
> Silverman gave such a detailed account in their book , "SSH THe Secure SHell
> The Definitive Guide".

Take a look at the openssh README in /usr/doc/Cygwin. I can't say I've
tried it, but Corinna's directions tend to be right on, and they address
the current distribution.

Ken Collins

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