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RE: It''s not paranoia if they really ARE out to get you...


I got the correct page earlier today, when Charles Wilson's original 
message came through and I checked again when Andrej's message arrived and 
it appeared to work, however, I had not restarted my browser.

A shift-reload now gave me the page you reported.

Dodge and weave...


>I get:
>Page Cannot Be Found
>We apologize for any inconvenience, but we have recently redesigned our 
>site, and the page you’re seeking has been either moved or retired. For 
>more information on the updates we've made to MSDN, please read our editor'
>s note.
>If you're looking for a particular document, try the table of contents on 
>the left or one of the following areas:
>*       The MSDN Home Page
>*       The Search Page
>*       The MSDN Site Map
>*       The MSDN Library
>When I try to access that page.
>Kevin Wright
>Cupertino, CA
>  Apple Computer, Inc

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