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Re: Package Information needed

On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 11:20:47AM +0100, David Starks-Browning wrote:
>On Monday 11 Jun 01, Oliver Thieke writes:
>> 	Hi out there !
>> Although this might be a very newbie question I am
>> kind of stuck...
>> Where can I get information about the contents and 
>> usage of the various packages shipped within cygwin ?
>> I browsed the FAQ, the User Guide, RedHat Web-Site, 
>> local Cygwin-Dir for Info - nothing.
>> I am quite familiar with unix - hence bash, csv, make, 
>> gcc, gdb, diff, grep, tar and so on are known.
>> But I can't figured out why and what for I would need
>> packages like cygrunsrv, binutils, fileutils, 
>> openssl...
>I had considered adding one-line descriptions of the packages to the
>FAQ, because I think it would be useful to have this information
>available somewhere.  Before downloading & installating the package,
>that is.  But I'm concerned that it would take too much space, and the
>FAQ is already HUGE.  I'm open to suggestions.  I'm happy to add it if
>it would help.

I don't think it is appropriate for the FAQ.

An item along the line of "Why doesn't setup.exe do <some nifty thing or
other>?" might be nice, though.


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