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Re: cygwin mount points

Hi Christopher...

Thanks for the pointer.

>Nevermind. I know. I'm being mean.

No, I don't think you are! And I apologize for the inconvenience.

You have a legitimate issue of where your limited cygwin time is best 
spent...doing new stuff for us swarms...or taking of us swarms.

I do try to look before asking. But my mistake is "I looked in the FAQ a 
ways back and..." and I don't remember seeing it back then. But I wasn't 
looking for that tidbit back then, so maybe I saw it and it didn't stick. I 
missed this in an obviuos place. I need to make it a habbit to check the 
"obvious" places more often.

The cygwin environment is still a steep learning curve for me right now. It 
would be much easier to just be a user, but I'm trying to absorb enough to 
be more helpful. I help out where I can...learning to debug in the cygwin 
environment and providing patches to the things I have found so far. For 
example, I still hope to resolve my problem with cygrunsrv (sometimes) 
failing to start up on just one of my win2k boxes (without just going back 
to srvany) but I haven't made it very deep into the cygwin1.dll source code 
and initialization process.

So if in the future, I frustrate you and you bite my head off...Please 
return it unopened in a plain brown wrapper...I may yet open it and find a 
use for it.

For others...there is cool stuf in the FAQ the second or third time around. 

I hope that this e-mail provides some remediation in the form of 
entertainment. I enjoyed writing it.

Again, Thanks for your time and for all the work you do on cygwin.


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