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RE: pilot-link and debugers

I've successfully compiled the various pilot-link tools and have been using
them for a while.  Please provide a set of commands that cause errors for
you, and I'll see if I can help.

Brad Town

Fennec Keeprog wrote:
> Hello list,
> I would like to know if anyone ever tried to compile pilot-
> link with cygwin? I've tried and it seems to work well
> (with few warnings ...) in fact it works well and i can
> acces files and do other things ... but on some functions
> (like saving things to files) it make a segmentation fault.
> I found with gdb that it was on a simple free(thing) but
> with step by step exec i've seen that parameters are
> correct ... i don't understand ... i've comented the free
> line and it works on one function but not the others ... I
> simply don't understand where is the problem ... in the
> readmewin32.txt it is said that you need watcom c/c++ but i
> didn't managed to make it work ... and i really need to
> have libpisock.a working correcly. So here are my
> questions: does anyone succeded in compiling pilot-link ?
> any help would be very cool since there is no help aviable
> on pilot-link site. One more question is about gdb: it seem
> to be very limited (no on signal breakpoint, ...) i've
> tried to compile ddd but it doenst work... is there any
> other good "cygwin compatible" debuger ?
> thank for reading ...
> FennecKeeProg

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