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help, please

Can anyone suggest what is going wrong to cause this problem?

I have used the setup.exe to download the tarballs to a local directory,
then I open a DOS command window and start setup.exe again, directing it
to install from the directory.

It all seem to work fine, no error messages, and when I try to run
cygwin, I get a window that says this:

D:\CYGWIN\BIN\ID.EXE: *** could not load user32.dll, Win32 error 0
D:\CYGWIN\BIN\MKDIR.EXE: *** could not load user32.dll, Win32 error 0
BASH.EXE: cd: /home/: No such file or directory

bwaldow@DEFAULT /usr/bin
$ pwd

bwaldow@DEFAULT /usr/bin
$ ls
C:\CYGWIN\BIN\LS.EXE: *** could not load user32.dll, Win32 error 0

bwaldow@DEFAULT /usr/bin

One person suggested that I needed to use the 'install from Internet'
option, but I wasn't sure from the way he phrased it whether he was
suggesting that my problem was I hadn't downloaded the tarballs (they
are definitely there on the local hard drive), or that 'install from
Internet' was the only functional way to do it.

Can anyone please suggest what the problem is?  I would love to run
cygwin/Xemacs, etc. while I have to work in Windows.

thanks for any help,

Windows 95 OSR2.1  4.00.950 B

'setup.exe' doesn't list any version information, but:
SETUP    EXE       121,344  07-26-00  2:25p

from a DOS window:
C:\cygwin\bin>cygcheck -s -v -r
C:\CYGWIN\BIN\CYGCHECK.EXE: *** could not load user32.dll, Win32 error 0

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