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Re: about the id -Gn

Frederic Lorrain wrote:
> We found difficulties using the bash command "Id -Gn" on NT box.
> We did not want to use only primary groups and so we first created
> several groups. We added users in many groups in file c:\etc\group.
> In spite of this modification, result of command "Id -Gn" still displays
> the primary group.
> Did we make an error ? Is it possible to use many groups for users in
> cygnus bash NT ?

Neither with b20.1 nor with 1.0
But it's already possible with the developer snapshots and so
it will be possible in the next net release (1.1.0), too.

Please note that the _real_ security settings are managed
by NT/W2K. The insertion of supplementary groups in /etc/groups
is only a help/hint for you. There's no command `newgroup' and
there's no need for it in NT/W2K.


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