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Re: Cygwin participation threshold

> What about third party products. For example PGI Workstation comes
> bundle with Cygwin.  Who gets the *paid support* in that case?

In cases where companies write software that depends on cygwin, such
as the example you give, the potential customer for Cygnus would be
that company, for two reasons: (1) they would need a commercial
license for cygwin, and (2) they would want a support contract to make
sure the cygwin they include in their product doesn't make their
product look bad by having bugs.

It would be unrealistic to expect each individual user of that
software to come to Cygnus for support.  More likely, they'd go to the
package producer, who may have solutions specific to their
software/cygwin bundling, such as a custom-fixed dll.

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