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RE: Program ports FAQ

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of

> It's seems to me that a lot of the traffic on this mailing list
> appears to be
> "How do I get XXXX-yy.zz to compile".
> This being the case, it strikes me that a web page or a downloadable file
> containing a list of ported programs,
> and how to compile them would be useful. Pointers to binary versions of the
> programs would also be useful
> within this list.

yup it exists!
check out Michael Hirmke's package report

Colman Curtin           
Senior Software Engineer
Trintech (Manufacturing) Ltd,
South County Business Park,         Tel +353-1-2956766
Leopardstown,                       Fax +353-1-2954735
Dublin 18.
I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.

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