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Re: amanda port & tar question

Hi Enrico,

Enrico Bernardini wrote:
> I modified the sources of tar-1.12 to enable the Backup Privilege. I could
> backup regardless file permissions.  Now, tar can backup the readable
> files inside a "locked" directory, and I can see (with Event Viewer)
> the Backup Privilege set.

In addition to getting the backup privilege an application would need to
specify the FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS flag to the file open API
(CreatFile()). Otherwise the backup privilege would just have been a
synonym for "all access" on all operations.

Now how to get tar to set this flag on file/dir opens, I don't know.

so long, benny
Benjamin Riefenstahl (
Crocodial Communications EntwicklungsGmbH
Ruhrstraße 61, D-22761 Hamburg, Germany
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